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The Darkness That Comes Before

Book One

"Canadian author Bakker’s impressive, challenging debut, the first of a trilogy, should please those weary of formulaic epic fantasy. Bakker’s utterly foreign world, Eärwa, is as complex as that of Tolkien, to whom he is, arguably, a worthier successor..."

– Publishers Weekly


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The Warrior Prophet

Book Two

"The Warrior-Prophet" is a stunner of a novel, a dark, delicious and deeply engaging masterpiece featuring an incredible amount of depth and painstaking detail. R. Scott Bakker's "The Prince of Nothing" series is not just stupendous, it is becoming monumental."  


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The Thousandfold Thought

Book Three

“R. Scott Bakker’s Prince of Nothing high fantasy trilogy rolls to a rousing conclusion in this full-bodied volume. The Thousandfold Thought brings to fruition what has been prophesied, but this truly epic novel also contains stunning, completely unexpected reversals. Mythos, magic, and action.” 

–Barnes and Noble

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The Judging Eye

Book Four

“The Judging Eye” is a must-read that will not only appeal to fans of R. Scott Bakker’s brilliant Prince of Nothing trilogy, but also new readers wanting to see what all the fuss is about…"  

- The Fantasy Book Critic

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The White-Luck Warrior

Book Five

"The White-Luck Warrior"  The depth of the book’s world and the range of its mythology is just staggering. And one gets the sense that the series is on the verge of some earth-shattering revelations."  

- Fantasy Matters  

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The Great Ordeal

Book Six

"The Great Ordeal"  fairly seethes with intelligence, action and revelation and is a worthwhile continuation of the smartest epic fantasy of our generation. It is also grim and challenging in a manner that won't do much to resolve Bakker's reputation as the most divisive author in modern fantasy." 

- The Wertzone

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The Unholy Consult

Book Seven

"The Unholy Consult" is tremendously satisfying character moments, Bakker's best-ever action scenes and, in the final chapter, possibly Bakker's most powerfully effective pieces of prose to date."  

- The Wertzone

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